Hi Valentin,

just sending my two cents, since I belong to one of those who feel that 
Lilypond has a quite characteristic G-clef (not ugly, but I wouldn't call it 
"normal" or "standard"). I just looked at your two proposals and browsed 
through random scores on IMSLP. Almost all of the IMSLP examples show a clef 
that slightly (sometimes not so slightly!) lean a bit forward with one striking 
example that does the exact opposite. I would agree with you that a small 
rotation forward looks a bit more standard and find especially the first 
rotated clef very nice. The "straightness" of Lilypond's clef becomes more 
apparent to me in the small clef for some reason. That perception goes away 
with the first rotated clef. The second rotated clef looks to me a bit too 
leaning forward. Could it be that the scores that use a more marked rotation 
use a clef with more "paunch" to compensate for the extra rotation?

On ago. 12 2021, at 2:59 pm, Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> wrote:
> Hello Silvain,
> That is kind of the point. In most editions the G-Clef is not balanced, but
> leans a bit forward. Lilypond’s G-Clef does so too, but very slightly, so the
> I’m asking for aesthetic opinions on whether this might be a slight bit too
> straight.
> Valentin

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