Le 13/08/2021 à 07:54, Marco Bagolin a écrit :
Hello all
I would like to shift tempo text on the right of the rehearsal mark in
the conductor score.
Conductor score is a file where all instruments files are called
\version "2.20.0"
\include "01_fluteI.ly"
\include "03_oboe.ly <http://03_oboe.ly>"
\include "04_clarinetI.ly"
\include "06_bassclarinet.ly <http://06_bassclarinet.ly>"
\include "07_bassoon.ly <http://07_bassoon.ly>"
I tried typing the following code in every instrument file, but it
doesn't work:
\version "2.20.0"
R1*3 \! | %082-083-084
\mark \default
\once \override Score.BarNumber.stencil = ##f % nasconde, se
necessario, il numero di inizio riga
\time 6/4
-\tweak self-alignment-X #-2.5
\tempo \markup \column { \line {"Molto allegro"}
\line \raise #1.0 \normal-text
\fontsize #-1 {\italic { \char ##x0022 "Descent Into
Mystery" \char ##x0022 }}} 4 = 140
R1*6/4 |
Where is the mistake?
I can't find it...
who can help me?
Thank you in advance
It's a known issue raised recently that \tweak
does not work on \tempo when there is a numeric
tempo indication, only when it is just given text.
As Valentin advised, use \once \override instead.