Hi Lukas,

Funny I sent an email to the author (as on his website) Lukas but it
bounced and he seemed to have vanished from the internet in 2011
I then realize how stupid I was as Lukas has been posting here all the time.
I now realize it's worse than that, sorry for my confusion :)

Appreciate your work all the more, it's a shame to let blackmensural.ly bitrot
Has anyone heard from the author since 2011?



On Sun, Aug 8, 2021 at 9:37 AM Lukas-Fabian Moser <l...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Kees,
> Am 07.08.21 um 18:41 schrieb Kees van den Doel:
> > Great, you are updating it!
> > Yes ligatures and accidentals didn't work. I mixed in normal LP ones
> > but it looks very ugly.
> >
> > I had some questions I sent to your email on your webpage but it bounced:
> This sounds to me as if you're mistaking me for the other Lukas (Lukas
> Pietsch) who created blackmensural.ly ten years ago. Unfortunately, I'm
> not, and I wouldn't have had the abilities to do what he did. I just did
> the (comparatively trivial) task of trying to update the syntax and
> accomodating for some changes in LilyPond's internal workings.
> But I'll be happy to look into the issues you reported.
> Lukas

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