Great, you are updating it!
Yes ligatures and accidentals didn't work. I mixed in normal LP ones but it
looks very ugly.

I had some questions I sent to your email on your webpage but it bounced:

Is there a way to control the size of the notes and other things? I want to
perform directly from the original notation but I can't seem to scale the
size up. Also I managed to use your mix in special caudata notes into
modern scores but their size doesn't match and doesn't scale.

Another question I have is how to mix normal staffs with BlackMensural
staffs in one StaffGroup. I want to have a blackmensural staff above the
modern transcription staff but when I add a BlackMensural staff at the top
it always appears below all the other normal Staffs.



On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 4:53 AM Lukas-Fabian Moser <> wrote:

> Hi Kees,
> Am 06.08.21 um 19:07 schrieb Kees van den Doel:
> On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 8:39 PM Kees van den Doel <> wrote:
>> But there's also by Lukas Pietsch; it's quite old (and
>>> to be honest I don't know it at all and can't say how it deals with your
>>> problem), but maybe it's of use to you:
>> I got everything to work fine, except the special note shapes.
>> Interestingly the blackmensural. <>pdf is
>> illustrated with the begin of the same piece I'm typesetting and has those
>> note shapes perfectly.
>> Unfortunately it doesn't work with 2.22 and convert-ly gives a long list
>> of errors to fix manually which is beyond my capability.
> Actually, despite getting many warnings like below,
> seems to work fine. It's actually quite wonderful and complete and has
> everything one needs to typeset music from before ~1450.
> Actually, I _think_ the ligature code cannot have worked with 2.22; did
> you try it? (It relied on ancient LilyPond's habit of wrapping everything
> in EventChords.)
> I had time now to look through and update it a bit to
> accomodate for part of what's changed in LilyPond in the last ten years.
> Now it compiles without complaints on my 2.22.0, see attached.
> And oh gosh golly, has LilyPond's scheme integration simplified over that
> time! (I think thanks to David K.) Behold: Instead of
>      (make-music
>        'ContextSpeccedMusic
>        'context-type 'Staff
>        'element
>          (make-music
>            'SequentialMusic
>            'elements (list
>              (make-music
>                'OverrideProperty
>                'symbol 'Clef
>                'grob-property-path (list 'stencil)
>                'grob-value mystencil)
>              (make-music            ; dummy setting
>                'PropertySet
>                'symbol 'clefGlyph
>                'value "clefs.C")
>              (make-music
>                'PropertySet
>                'symbol 'middleCClefPosition
>                'value midCpos)
>              (make-music
>                'PropertySet
>                'symbol 'clefPosition
>                'value linepos)
>              (make-music
>                'ApplyContext
>                'procedure ly:set-middle-C!)
>           )))
> we may now write
>     #{
>       \context Staff {
>         \override Staff.Clef.stencil = #mystencil
>         \set Staff.clefGlyph = "clefs.C"
>         \set Staff.middleCClefPosition = #midCpos
>         \set Staff.clefPosition = #linepos
>         \applyContext #ly:set-middle-C!
>       }
>     #}
> (maybe this would have partly worked in 2.12, but if I understand in
> correctly, there used to be issues regarding _when_ integrated Lilypond
> code is being interpreted).
> I can't guarantee that there won't arise subtle problems (spacing
> differences, features I didn't test yet etc., especially since I also had
> to "update" some things that I didn't fully understand), but at least it
> should be a good starting point for further work.
> Lukas

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