Don't know why the funnies. I get them too. This is prettier.
Check this site for hints about the code: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.4.3" STUFF = { \relative c' { c ^\markup { \postscript #"0.2 setlinewidth 0 1 moveto 0 2 rlineto stroke 0 1 1 90 450 arc stroke" } c c c c c c c }%end relative }%end STUFF \score{ \STUFF }%end score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of dax2 Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 5:05 PM To: lilypond Subject: Re: snap (bartok) pizz On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 16:19:20 -0500 Fairchild wrote: > > \version "2.4.3" > STUFF = { > \relative c' { > \override TextScript #'font-name = #"cmbsy10" > c4^\markup { \char #13 } > \once\override TextScript #'font-name = #"cmex10" > \once\override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-9.75 . 1.1) > c^\markup { \char #12 } > c c c c c c > }%end relative > }%end STUFF > \score{ > \STUFF > }%end score The example works beautifully. I was using 2.4.5 to get a result. 2.5.19 came out with an internal error. However, \version actually says 2.4.3, so it is ok. Now with 2.4.5, even if output is splendid, I get these "funny" messages. Why: no such encoding: "Tex-math-extension"??? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [...] Calculating line breaks... programming error: no such encoding: "TeX-math-extension" Continuing; crossing fingers programming error: programming error: cross thumbs, using: "latin1": Continuing; crossing fingers Layout output to `pizz-bartok.tex'... Converting to `pizz-bartok.dvi'... Converting to `'... Converting to `pizz-bartok.pdf'... Regards/Donald Axel -- dax2-tele2adsl:dk -- Donald Axel _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list