Seeing the discussion on coloured lyrics, colour this and that, I
realized that for some parts I do change the Background Colour of the
clefs maually (using a standard ofice yellow marking (grease) pencil
each time after an update print. The purpose is to have a fast
recognition point for the eyes to jump to the next line and/or page.
How about:
Improved version that only tweaks the stencil after-line-breaking:
\version "2.19"
#(define (positive-number? x) (and (number? x) (positive? x)))
markerPen =
(X-padding Y-padding grob-path)
((positive-number? 0.5) (positive-number? 0) key-list?)
\override #grob-path .layer = -1
\override #grob-path .after-line-breaking =
#(lambda (grob)
((original (ly:grob-property grob 'stencil))
(X-ext (ly:stencil-extent original X))
(Y-ext (ly:stencil-extent original Y)))
grob 'stencil
(ly:stencil-expr (stencil-with-color
(interval-widen X-ext X-padding)
(interval-widen Y-ext Y-padding)
empty-interval empty-interval)
\new Staff \with {
\markerPen Clef
\relative {
c'4 d \once\markerPen 0.5 0.5 Accidental es fis
\once \markerPen Staff.BarLine
g \markerPen 0.5 0.5 NoteHead g a
While this does not solve the problem of the marking affecting
inter-system spacing, at least it now works fine for accidentals.