\relative c'' {
 a1 a  a
 % place in bottom layer
 -\tweak layer #-1
 -\markup {
   \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
   % specify color
   \with-color #(rgb-color 1 0.5 0.5)
   % specify size
   \filled-box #'(-2 . 2) #'(-2 . 7) #0

Well on the background thing... I have no idea how to move it... But it is somewhat of the size that would be needed now I guess. But the other option of just coloring the Clef seems easier as far as I can see, if you need to used coordinate every single time to move it on the paper.

Is there a way to make a color glow from an image? :) I actually need something of that sort for the colored notes.

Dearly regards

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