On Fri, 2021-04-30 at 16:41 +0200, David Kastrup wrote: > David Sumbler <da...@aeolia.co.uk> writes: > > On Fri, 2021-04-30 at 04:17 -0700, Aaron Hill wrote: > > > A duration without pitch is encoded as a NoteEvent with the > > > pitchproperty. expand-repeat-notes! is the internal procedure > > > thatcarries over the most recent pitch. So long as you insert > > > theseevents early enough, LilyPond should do the heavy lifting > > > for you. > > > > You are correct: I invented a problem where none exists. > > I confess that I had not realized that a duration without a > > precedingpitch or rest takes the pitch of the preceding note. I > > actuallythought that, following a rest, it would produce further > > rests. > > We've had a fairly recent discussion about this design choice > sometimein the last three months or so. My rationale was that it > could be usedfor writing rhythmic parts using only a single pitch or > drum type in amanner where you only had to write that pitch or drum > type once and thenkeep referencing it. That rationale also explains > a difference inbehavior with chord repeats (q) with respect to > retainedarticulations/fingerings. > > I must have seen this in action many times, otherwise I would > > havelots of pitches in my music where there should be rests. But > > somehowit doesn't seem to have lodged itself in my brain. > > Perhaps I'm getting too old for this! > > Still waiting for an actual _example_ of what you want to be able > towrite.
As I indicated, I imagined a non-existent problem. With no problem to be solved, an example serves no purpose. David