Mark Knoop <> writes:

> At 12:15 on 30 Apr 2021, David Kastrup wrote:
>> David Sumbler <> writes:
>>> How can I access the pitch value of this most recent note for use in a
>>> Scheme function after some rests?
>> Other value-propating mechanisms exist for default durations (attached
>> by the parser upon reading expressions), pitch-less durations (added
>> during the scorifying stage when a music expression is accepted into a
>> \score block), chord repeats (also at scorification).
>> "For use in a Scheme function" is too hand-waving to have an idea which
>> phase of LilyPond's interpretation you would want to be interfering
>> with, so it would probably make more sense to present the problem you
>> are trying to solve rather than guess about the tools you think LilyPond
>> must be using internally.
> I don't know what David (Sumbler)'s use-case is, but one could imagine
> in an analysis situation something like:
> { c'1 g'1-\intervalFunction }
> where 'intervalFunction' created the markup string "Perfect 5th above
> previous pitch".

That's the kind of thing where the context available to
\intervalFunction is just not sufficient for the task and it would have
to leave a marker in place that is later on replaced by some more
globally working score-wide function, similar to how repeat pitches and
repeat chords work.

David Kastrup

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