Leo, thank you, that did it!

And of course that was also the place to put the override for lyrics
alignment, so that's solved (for me) too.



---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Leo Correia de Verdier <leo.correia.de.verd...@gmail.com>
Komu: Vladimír Slávik <slavik.vladi...@seznam.cz>
Datum: 26. 4. 2021 10:52:18
Předmět: Re: Prevent lyrics from running over bar lines
"Hi Vladimir!

You can include these lines in a layout block:

\layout {
\context {
\consists "Bar_engraver"
\consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
\hide BarLine

(Its also possible to put the consists and hide in a \with statement in each
lyric block, but is seems clumsier to me)
More about it can be read here:


> 26 apr. 2021 kl. 10:35 skrev Vladimír Slávik <slavik.vladi...@seznam.cz>:
> Hello,
> I have lots of psalm-like pieces of music that need in some places 4-8 
words per note. I used Lilypond 2.18.2 (within Frescobaldi), which worked 
moderately well for this. However after trying 2.22.0 on the same files and
fixing the lyrics alignment for these "wordy" notes, the lyrics regularly 
run over the bar line "boundary" and into space under the next bar. I don't
want that. How can I prevent this?
> I think I could work around this with spacers (skips?), but that does not
seem very systematic...
> Pictures attached, as well as a minimized reproducer.
> Best,
> Vladimir


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