Hi Vladimir!

You can include these lines in a layout block:
\layout {
  \context {
      \consists "Bar_engraver"
      \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
      \hide BarLine

 (Its also possible to put the consists and hide in a \with statement in each 
lyric block, but is seems clumsier to me)
More about it can be read here: 


> 26 apr. 2021 kl. 10:35 skrev Vladimír Slávik <slavik.vladi...@seznam.cz>:
> Hello,
> I have lots of psalm-like pieces of music that need in some places 4-8 words 
> per note. I used Lilypond 2.18.2 (within Frescobaldi), which worked 
> moderately well for this. However after trying 2.22.0 on the same files and 
> fixing the lyrics alignment for these "wordy" notes, the lyrics regularly run 
> over the bar line "boundary" and into space under the next bar. I don't want 
> that. How can I prevent this?
> I think I could work around this with spacers (skips?), but that does not 
> seem very systematic...
> Pictures attached, as well as a minimized reproducer.
> Best,
> Vladimir
\version "2.18.2"

modlitba_pozvani_melodie_sloka_prava = \relative c' {
	\key d \major
	\clef treble
	\language "deutsch"
	\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
	\accidentalStyle forget
	\new Voice = "hlavni" {
	fis\breve \breathe \bar "|"
	fis8 fis8[ fis8] fis8[ fis8] g8[ g8] g8[ g8] g4 fis2 \breathe \bar "|" \break % <-- enforcing break in 2.18.2 provides enough "whitespace"
	fis8[ g8] fis4( e4 d1) \breathe
	\new Voice {
	d\breve \bar "|"
	d8 d8[ d8] d8[ d8] d8[ d8] d8[ d8] cis4 d2 \bar "|"
	d8[ d8] d4( cis4 g1)
	\bar "|."

modlitba_pozvani_slova_sloka = \lyricmode {
	\once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT % <-- this fixes alignment in 2.22.0 but not the bar line / lyrics problem
	"Jako byla na počátku i nyní"\breve
	i8 vždy8 -- cky8 a8 na8 vě8 -- ky8 vě8 -- ků.8 A4 -- men,2
	A8 -- le8 -- lu__2 -- ja.1

modlitba_pozvani_sloka_doprovod = \new PianoStaff <<
	\new Staff \modlitba_pozvani_melodie_sloka_prava
	\new Lyrics \modlitba_pozvani_slova_sloka

\score {

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