
let's say I've a chord with Fingerings left.
Now I want to tweak a certain Fingering a little bit up/down and left/right.

How to do so?

Here a minimal to play with:

  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
  <c'-3 e'-2>

  %% below does not work
  \once \override Fingering.Y-offset = 10
  \once \override Fingering.X-offset = 10
  <c'-3 e'-2>

  <c'-\tweak Y-offset #-10 -3 e'-\tweak Y-offset #10 -2>

Changing fingeringOrientations is not an option.
Using extra-offset neither, because the Fingering will be the right
bound of the FigerGlideSpanner, which would look misplaced then.

Any hints?


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