Regarding 64-bit SimpleSynth, here is some discussion: 

and 64-bit binary built by matlimatli: 

> 2021/04/03 7:17、Hans Åberg <>のメール:
>> On 3 Apr 2021, at 00:02, Jacques Menu <> wrote:
>> Hello Hans,
>> Sorry if the question has already raised and I missed it.
>> Marnen’s 2.20 release works fine here with Frescobaldi 3.1.3 on Big Sur 
>> 11.2.3.
>> My question is: SimpleSynth seems to be 32 bits only, how can I get the MIDI 
>> output played? 
> One can use GarageBand, just put it into a track in a project file. Perhaps a 
> bit cumbersome, but provides opportunity for further editing.

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