> \version "2.22.0"
> \language "english"
> \include "lilyjazz.ily"
> global = {  \time 4/4   \key f \major  \tempo 4=100}
> chordNames = \chordmode {f1:7 f:7 f:7 f:7}
> \score {
>          {\global
>          \new ChordNames {\chordNames
>         }}}

Okay, multiple issues here:
→ Your global block should be inside a staff. Lilypond will automatically 
create a staff for it, but that will lead only to more issues.
→ You are creating the ChordNames inside this implicit Staff. This results in 
the ChordNames being below this Staff by default, but it also means that the 
ChordNames will only start in the place where you have been before! So if you 
actually had music there the Chord symbols would appear AFTER the music.

So you need so called „parallel music”, which is done using << >>.
Thus you want to do something like

 \new ChordNames \chordNames
 \new Staff {\global ... }

For the indications below I’d probably use text spanners. You can use a custom 
function for the text to make it easier.


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