Hi Stefano,

Yes I completely overlooked that. 
Well I do have a solution, but it’s cumbersome, so I’m not sure whether there’s 
a much easier solution to this. My solution involves TextSpanners. Best, check 
the Notation Manual for more details about them, but her’s my solution:\. 
Basically I add a new voice to the staff with the slashes which contains only 
spacers on which I attach TextSpanners. The spanners needed some minor tweaking 
to look like your example.

As I said, there might be a much easier solution.


\new Score <<

  \new ChordNames \chordmode{

    f1 * 4 : 7

    bes1 * 2 : 7
    f1 * 2 : 7

    c1 : 7
    bes1 : 7
    f1 * 2 : 7

  \new Staff <<
      \comp #48
    \new Voice {

      \override TextSpanner.font-name = #"serif"
      \override TextSpanner.Y-offset = #-5
      \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y = #-1
      \override TextSpanner.dash-fraction = #1
      \override TextSpanner.dash-period = #1

      \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = #"I7"
      s4 * 15 \startTextSpan
      s4 \stopTextSpan

      \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = #"IV7"
      s4 * 7 \startTextSpan
      s4 \stopTextSpan

      \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = #"I7"
      s4 * 7 \startTextSpan
      s4 \stopTextSpan

      \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = #"V7"
      s4 * 3 \startTextSpan
      s4 \stopTextSpan

      \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = #"IV7"
      s4 * 3 \startTextSpan
      s4 \stopTextSpan

      \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = #"I7"
      s4 * 7 \startTextSpan
      s4 \stopTextSpan


> On 24. Mar 2021, at 15:18, stefano franchi <stefano.fran...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:stefano.fran...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Thanks Robert for another solution---the slash marks look even better in your 
> rendition.
> Any suggestions on how to achieve my second goal, the multi-bar lines with 
> the initial text?
> In the example I posted it was the scale degree indication and chord type(I7, 
> IV7, etc,), but the text could be different, of course.
> Am I correct that I should be looking into "Text spanners" to achieve that 
> effect? I find lilypond a great and super versatil tool to work with, but 
> learning the proper terms to properly interact with the documentation and the 
> archives is quite a challenge.
> Cheers,
> S.
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 3:07 AM Robert Schmaus <robert.schm...@web.de 
> <mailto:robert.schm...@web.de>> wrote:
> Hi Stefano,
> I write a lot of jazz lead sheets with LilyPond. For what you’re looking for, 
> I have a little music function I use:
> comp = #(define-music-function (parser location count) ( integer?)
>           #{
>             \override Rest #'stencil = 
> #ly:percent-repeat-item-interface::beat-slash
>             \override Rest #'thickness = #0.48
>             \override Rest #'slope = #1.7
>             \repeat unfold $count { r4 }
>             \revert Rest #'stencil
>           #}
>           )
> It’s used like this:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.20.0"
> \include "lilyjazz.ily"
> comp = #(define-music-function (parser location count) ( integer?)
>           #{
>             \override Rest #'stencil = 
> #ly:percent-repeat-item-interface::beat-slash
>             \override Rest #'thickness = #0.48
>             \override Rest #'slope = #1.7
>             \repeat unfold $count { r4 }
>             \revert Rest #'stencil
>           #}
>           )
> \new Score <<
>   \new ChordNames \chordmode{
>     f1 * 4 : 7
>     \break
>     bes1 * 2 : 7
>     f1 * 2 : 7
>     \break
>     c1 : 7
>     bes1 : 7
>     f1 * 2 : 7
>   }
>   \new Staff { \comp #48 }
> >>
> \layout {
>   indent = 0
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> In case you use the \RemoveEmptyStaves option, you need to be aware that the 
> comp function uses the rest symbol and temporarily changes its stencil. So if 
> you had staves with only slashes on it, they would disappear.
> As a side note: when I write sheets like this I also often use this approach 
> (which I find more readable and yet saves a lot of vertical space … and the 
> slashes are implied with the time signature anyway):
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.20.0"
> \include "lilyjazz.ily"
> \new Score <<
>   \new Staff \with{
>     \accepts ChordNames
>     \override ChordName.Y-offset = #-2
>     \consists Percent_repeat_engraver
>     \consists Double_percent_repeat_engraver
>   } 
>   {
>     \new ChordNames
>     \chordmode{
>       \repeat percent 4 { f1 : 7 }
>       \break
>       \repeat percent 2 { bes1 : 7 }
>       \repeat percent 2 { f1 : 7 }
>       \break
>       c1 : 7
>       bes1 : 7
>       \repeat percent 2 { f1 : 7 }
>     }
>   }
> >>
> \layout {
>   indent = 0
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Best,
> Robert
> PS: the size of the chord root vs the size of the modifiers need to be 
> adjusted … out of the box it doesn’t look very good yet.
> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
>> On 24. Mar 2021, at 05:09, stefano franchi <stefano.fran...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:stefano.fran...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I am trying to produce a jazz-style leadsheet for the solo section of a song 
>>  to improvise over. The section will have no melody (obviously, but I need 
>> to indicate the chords, the beat signs, and will include some text below the 
>> bars indicating either the scale degree or the scale to use for the 
>> improvisation. This is the (pretty common) format I have in mind, using a 
>> standard blues  as an example:
>> <image.png>
>> I know how to enter chords (and how to use a jazzy font), but I can't find 
>> out how to enter the beat marks, not the text underneath that spans several 
>> bars (my chords also appear under the staff rather than above it, but that's 
>> a minor issue). Here is my approach:
>> \version "2.22.0"
>> \language "english"
>> \include "lilyjazz.ily"
>> global = {  \time 4/4   \key f \major  \tempo 4=100}
>> chordNames = \chordmode {f1:7 f:7 f:7 f:7}
>> \score {
>>          {\global        
>>          \new ChordNames {\chordNames
>>         }}}
>> I tried searching the mailing list and the documentation site, to no avail. 
>> I may be missing the right search terms, though. 
>> Help is greatly appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> -- 
>> __________________________________________________
>> Stefano Franchi
>> stefano.fran...@gmail.com <mailto:stef...@tamu.edu>
>> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefano_Franchi 
>> <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefano_Franchi> <>
> -- 
> __________________________________________________
> Stefano Franchi
> stefano.fran...@gmail.com <mailto:stef...@tamu.edu>
> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefano_Franchi 
> <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefano_Franchi> <>

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