On Thu, 25 Feb 2021 at 14:11, David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> Apart from your commandline, we also need to know what and how you > installed the version you're using. If it helps, I installed the > downloaded file lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64.sh with the commands: > > $ cd ~ > $ bash .../lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64.sh --prefix > lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64 > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I had followed the instructions here: https://lilypond.org/download/binaries/linux-64/lilypond-2.22.0-1.linux-64.sh But omitted your --prefix newmend.ly now compiles without error and the resulting pdf appears perfect to me. Thanks a lot for that. But there is still something wrong with my understanding. When I compile the attached with 2.22, Lily complains of a barcheck fail at 15,30 :-( I cannot see the difference between the approach taken in newmend.ly and mill.mill.o.ly. Can it have something to do with 6/8 in the first tune and 4/4 in the second? Surely \partial 8*2 d8. [ e16 ] | is correct? Sorry I am making such heavy weather of this. I have tried following the examples here: https://music.stackexchange.com/questions/106875/how-to-write-a-pickup-measure-with-5-16-duration-in-lilypond -- Thanks. ____________________________ Joe McCool CEng, MIMarEST, SMIEEE www.tangentengineering.co. <http://www.tangentengineering.co.uk>uk (44)7802572441
\version "2.18.2" % automatically converted by musicxml2ly from test.xml \header { encoder = "abc2xml version 226" encodingdate = "2021-02-15" title = "Mill Mill O, The" } mill_mill_o = \relative d'' { \tempo 4 = 120 \key d \major \time 4/4 \repeat volta 2 { \partial 8*2 d8. [ e16 ] | %!. %%| % 2 fis4 a,8. [ b16 ] a4. d8 | %%| % 3 b8. [ a16 ] b16 [ d8. ] e4 d8. [ e16 ] | %%| % 4 fis4 a,4 g'8. [ fis16 e8 d8 ] | %%| % 5 b4. cis8 d2 | } \break \partial 8*1 a8 | %!*7 %%| % 7 d8. [ e16 fis8 g8 ] a4. a8 | %%| % 8 g8. [ fis16 ] e16 [ d8. ] e4 a,4 | %%| % 9 d8. [ e16 fis8 g8 ] a4. g8 | %\barNumberCheck #10 fis4. g8 a4. a,8 | d8. [ e16 fis8 g8 ] a4. a8 | %%| % 12 b8. [ a16 g8 fis8 ] e4 d8. [ e16 ] | %%| % 13 fis4. a8 g8 [ fis8 e8 d8 ] | %%| % 14 b4. cis8 d2 | %\bar "%%|%%|" } mill_mill_o_chords = \chordmode { \set noChordSymbol = "" \repeat volta 2 { \partial 8*1 r8 r8 %%| % 2 d4:5 r4 r r %%| % 3 g8:5 r r r a4:5 r4 %%| % 4 d4:5 r4 g8:5 r r r %%| % 5 a4:5 r4 d4:5 r4 } \partial 8*1 r8 %%| % 7 d8:5 r r r r r r r %%| % 8 g8:5 r r r a4:5 r8 r %%| % 9 d8:5 r r r a4:5 r8 r %%| \barNumberCheck #10 d4:5 r4 a4:5 r8 r %%| % 11 d8:5 r r r r r r r %%| % 12 g8:5 r r r a4:5 r8 r %%| % 13 d4:5 r8 r g8:5 r r r %%| % 14 a4:5 r8 r d4:5 r \bar "%%|%%|" } mill_mill_o_final = { << \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \mill_mill_o_chords } \new Voice = "one" { \mill_mill_o} >> } \score { \mill_mill_o_final \header { piece = "mill_mill_o" } \layout { indent = #0 line-width = #180 ragged-last = ##t } } \score { \unfoldRepeats { \mill_mill_o_final \mill_mill_o_final \mill_mill_o_final } \midi{} } \markup{filename: mill.mill.o.ly}