

Some thoughts on the score.

Repeats must have complete measures. Note Part A. It starts with an upbeat (one 
eighth) and ends with 5 eighths. This makes a complete measure.

Parts B and C do not have complete measures. The anacrusis in each is somewhat 
of an orphan. It does not make performance sense. Lilypond lets you get away 
with this since you did not use bar checks (look that up in the documentation). 

The repeat sign at the beginning of measure 19 does not make sense. It would if 
the two alternate endings have 5 eights in the last measure.

The metronome marking has a quarter note = 120. I think you want a dotted 
quarter instead.

The source listed is in abc notation. How did you convert it?




From: Joe McCool [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 12:42 AM
To: Mark Stephen Mrotek <>
Subject: Re: spurious partial in 2nd repeat abc->ly


On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 at 19:45, Mark Stephen Mrotek < 
<> > wrote:



Thanks for the help Mark et al. 


The second repeated section starts with a partial measure.


But there is no \partial there in the source code, hence my problem.   With the 
source as shown in my original post the resulting PDF shows a partial and bar 
lines struck through beams, which is absurd in this context.


Given your hints, I have dotted the last notes in the alternatives as this: 



\version "2.18.2"
% automatically converted by musicxml2ly from test.xml

\header {
  source = "
Paul O'Shaughnessy"
  encoder = "abc2xml version 226"
  encodingdate = "2021-02-16"
  composer = "Father Patrick Joseph Kelly"
  title = "Lough Derg Jig"
\override Staff.BarLine.stencil = ##f

lough_derg_jig =  \relative d' {
  \tempo 4 = 120
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \key g \major \time 6/8 %%| % 1
    \partial 8*1 d8^"PART A" %!*5 %%| % 3
    g8 [ fis8 g8 ] b8 [ a8 g8 ] %%| % 4
    fis4 g8 a8 [ fis8 d8 ] %%| % 5
    g8 [ fis8 g8 ] b8 [ a8 g8 ] %%| % 6
    b8 [ d8 b8 ] c8 [ a8 fis8 ] %%| % 7
    g4 c8 b8 [ a8 g8 ] %%| % 8
    fis4. a8 [ fis8 d8 ] %%| % 9
    d'8 [ cis8 d8 ] fis8 [ e8 d8 ] %%| \barNumberCheck #10
    c8 [ a8 fis8 ] g4
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*1 a8^"PART B" %!*5 %%| % 13
    b4 d8 g8 [ d8 b8 ] %%| % 14
    d8 [ g8 b,8 ] d8 [ g8 b,8 ] %%| % 15
    c4 e8 g8 [ e8 c8 ] %%| % 16
    e8 [ g8 c,8 ] e8 [ g8 e8 ] %%| % 17
    d4 fis8 a8 [ fis8 d8 ] %%| % 18
    fis8 [ a8 d,8 ] fis8 [ a8 d,8 ]
  \alternative {
    {g8 [ fis8 g8 ] e8 [ fis8 g8 ] 
     a8 [ fis8 d8 ] c8  b4 } 
    {d8  [ cis8 d8 ] fis8 [ e8 d8 ] 
     c8 [ a8 fis8 ] g4. }
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*1 c8
    \repeat volta 2 {
      b4.^"PART C" b8 g e
      fis4 g8 a fis e
    \alternative {
      {b' d b g a g
       b d b c a fis}
      {d' cis d fis e d
       c a fis g4.}
% The score definition
lough_derg_jig_chords = \chordmode {
  \set noChordSymbol = "" 

lough_derg_jig_final = {
    \new ChordNames {
      \set chordChanges = ##t
    \new Voice = "one" { \lough_derg_jig}

\score {
  \header {
    piece = "lough_derg_jig"
  \layout {
    indent = #0
    line-width = #180
    ragged-last = ##t

\score {
\markup{filename: <> }



This compiles fine and the resulting PDF looks OK, sort of.  But this is 


My understanding is that if a part starts with a \partial, then the last bar 
should consist of 5 quavers, not six.


Remember my original route to this ly was: python > 
test.xml;musicxml2ly test.xml"


I have taken the liberty of attaching the PDF resulting from abcm2ps (which is 
what I am trying to emulate).  To me it seems more legal in that it features 5 
quavers in the alternatives.


In Part C, I have not yet worked out how to show the 1,2 and 3,4 alternatives.  
But that is another day's work.


BTW, I love Lilypond dearly and am so grateful for its tolerance of my musical 



Joe McCool CEng, MIMarEST, SMIEEE <> uk



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