On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 4:59 PM Carl Sorensen <carl.d.soren...@gmail.com>

> Freeman,
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 2:41 PM Freeman Gilmore <freeman.gilm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 1:02 PM Mark Stephen Mrotek <carsonm...@ca.rr.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Freeman,
>>> *http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/internals/key_005fengraver
>>> <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/internals/key_005fengraver>*
>> *I read through the Key_Engraver, url above, and related KeySignature and
>> KeyCancellation.*
>> * The only details there, which I think I know, is how the pairs are
>> constructed in the keyAlterationOrder.   And they have it wrong.    I
>> believe it should read:  … step is a number from 0 to 6 and alter from  -2
>> (flat) to 2 (sharp)?   (Not -2 (sharp) to 2 (flat).) No details are given
>> as to how the alist order is read or constructed.    I do see The 5th in
>> the pairs (step).   I know that the alist cannot be read with assoc, at
>> least in its simple form. Any suggestions were the details of the
>> keyAlterationOrderis explained?*
> *That's the best documentation we have.  The next place to look is in the
> source.*
> *Line 177 of ly/engraver-init.ly <http://engraver-init.ly> is where
> keyAlterationOrder is defined: *
> *https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/blob/master/ly/engraver-init.ly
> <https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/blob/master/ly/engraver-init.ly>*
When i go here I get a blank page with a menu on the left and nothing opens

> *keyAlterationOrder = #`(
>     (6 . ,FLAT) (2  . ,FLAT) (5 . ,FLAT ) (1  . ,FLAT) (4  . ,FLAT) (0  . 
> ,FLAT) (3  . ,FLAT)
>     (3 . ,SHARP) (0 . ,SHARP) (4 . ,SHARP) (1 . ,SHARP) (5 . ,SHARP) (2 . 
> ,SHARP) (6 . ,SHARP)
>     (6 . ,DOUBLE-FLAT) (2 . ,DOUBLE-FLAT) (5 . ,DOUBLE-FLAT ) (1 . 
>     (3  . ,DOUBLE-SHARP) (0 . ,DOUBLE-SHARP) (4 . ,DOUBLE-SHARP) (1 . 
>   )*
> There are 4 sets with the same 7 keys 2 different orders of the keys.
There are several out there.   Here is one with the same
accidental vertical not horizontal:
 keyAlterationOrder = #`(
      % Flats:
      (6 . -6/53)  (6 . -12/53)  (6 . -18/53)  (6 . -24/53)  (6 . -36/53)
 (6 . -30/53)  (6 . -42/53)  (6 . -48/53)  (6 . -54/53)  (6 . -60/53)  (6 .
-66/53)  (6 . -72/53)
      (2 . -6/53)  (2 . -12/53)  (2 . -18/53)  (2 . -24/53)  (2 . -36/53)
 (2 . -30/53)  (2 . -42/53)  (2 . -48/53)  (2 . -54/53)  (2 . -60/53)  (2 .
-66/53)  (2 . -72/53)
      (5 . -6/53)  (5 . -12/53)  (5 . -18/53)  (5 . -24/53)  (5 . -36/53)
 (5 . -30/53)  (5 . -42/53)  (5 . -48/53)  (5 . -54/53)  (5 . -60/53)  (5 .
-66/53)  (5 . -72/53)
      (1 . -6/53)  (1 . -12/53)  (1 . -18/53)  (1 . -24/53)  (1 . -36/53)
 (1 . -30/53)  (1 . -42/53)  (1 . -48/53)  (1 . -54/53)  (1 . -60/53)  (1 .
-66/53)  (1 . -72/53)
      (4 . -6/53)  (4 . -12/53)  (4 . -18/53)  (4 . -24/53)  (4 . -36/53)
 (4 . -30/53)  (4 . -42/53)  (4 . -48/53)  (4 . -54/53)  (4 . -60/53)  (4 .
-66/53)  (4 . -72/53)
      (0 . -6/53)  (0 . -12/53)  (0 . -18/53)  (0 . -24/53)  (0 . -36/53)
 (0 . -30/53)  (0 . -42/53)  (0 . -48/53)  (0 . -54/53)  (0 . -60/53)  (0 .
-66/53)  (0 . -72/53)
      (3 . -6/53)  (3 . -12/53)  (3 . -18/53)  (3 . -24/53)  (3 . -36/53)
 (3 . -30/53)  (3 . -42/53)  (3 . -48/53)  (3 . -54/53)  (3 . -60/53)  (3 .
-66/53)  (3 . -72/53)
      % Sharps:
      (3 . 6/53)  (3 . 12/53)  (3 . 18/53)  (3 . 24/53)  (3 . 30/53)  (3 .
36/53)  (3 . 42/53)  (3 . 48/53)  (3 . 54/53)  (3 . 60/53)  (3 . 66/53)  (3
. 72/53)
      (0 . 6/53)  (0 . 12/53)  (0 . 18/53)  (0 . 24/53)  (0 . 30/53)  (0 .
36/53)  (0 . 42/53)  (0 . 48/53)  (0 . 54/53)  (0 . 60/53)  (0 . 66/53)  (0
. 72/53)
      (4 . 6/53)  (4 . 12/53)  (4 . 18/53)  (4 . 24/53)  (4 . 30/53)  (4 .
36/53)  (4 . 42/53)  (4 . 48/53)  (4 . 54/53)  (4 . 60/53)  (4 . 66/53)  (4
. 72/53)
      (1 . 6/53)  (1 . 12/53)  (1 . 18/53)  (1 . 24/53)  (1 . 30/53)  (1 .
36/53)  (1 . 42/53)  (1 . 48/53)  (1 . 54/53)  (1 . 60/53)  (1 . 66/53)  (1
. 72/53)
      (5 . 6/53)  (5 . 12/53)  (5 . 18/53)  (5 . 24/53)  (5 . 30/53)  (5 .
36/53)  (5 . 42/53)  (5 . 48/53)  (5 . 54/53)  (5 . 60/53)  (5 . 66/53)  (5
. 72/53)
      (2 . 6/53)  (2 . 12/53)  (2 . 18/53)  (2 . 24/53)  (2 . 30/53)  (2 .
36/53)  (2 . 42/53)  (2 . 48/53)  (2 . 54/53)  (2 . 60/53)  (2 . 66/53)  (2
. 72/53)
      (6 . 6/53)  (6 . 12/53)  (6 . 18/53)  (6 . 24/53)  (6 . 30/53)  (6 .
36/53)  (6 . 42/53)  (6 . 48/53)  (6 . 54/53)  (6 . 60/53)  (6 . 66/53)  (6
. 72/53)
So where is the order?    7 key each with 24 pairs.

*It appears that the accidentals show up in the list in the relative order
> they will appear in a key signature.  They are grouped by the kind of
> alteration (flats, sharps, double flats, double sharps).  So for sharps,
> the first to appear in a key signature is f#, followed by c#, followed by
> g#, then d#, and so on.  For flats, we start with bb, then eb, then ab, and
> so on.*
I now the order of 5th and 4th as you explain here.

> *I don't know what other documentation you want.*
Something that explains the way the alist is formed?  .
Thank you, ƒg

> *I hope this helps.*
> *Carl*

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