Thanks to advice from Jean Abou Semra, I succeeded in installing a more recent 
version of Lilypond (2.21.0)
 from a script ... which hadn't worked the first time I tried.  So my problem 
is solved, even if it remains a puzzle why something documented in the Notation 
Reference simply didn't work.

As for my Linux version, I am running Mint 17.1 Rebecca, which is fine.  I 
don't particularly worry about security vulnerabilities.

Sent from Outlook<>

From: Jonas Hahnfeld
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2020 19:36
To: Piers Snell; Andrew Bernard; lilypond-user Mailinglist
Subject: Re: Repeat signs not working for me

Am Freitag, den 09.10.2020, 14:01 +0000 schrieb Piers Snell:
> Thanks again...
> I think I'm going to have to stick with my current version until someone with 
> better expertise puts together a package for Linux Mint, whose software 
> manager *still* points at 2.16.2.  Someone will get around to it sooner or 
> later.  I've tried building from source, but the configure phase bombs out 
> because build depends on python3 version >3.5 and I have version 3.4.  I am 
> NOT going to upgrade python and break loads of other stuff!!!

Uh, what version of Linux Mint is that? Wikipedia suggests that the
oldest currently supported version is based on Ubuntu 16.04 which I
know has Python 3.5 (actually, that was the reason to go with that
requirement). Any older version of Linux Mint is not supported anymore
since at least April 2019, which is like ... ages ago in terms of
security vulnerabilities.


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