Thanks again...

I think I'm going to have to stick with my current version until someone with 
better expertise puts together a package for Linux Mint, whose software manager 
*still* points at 2.16.2.  Someone will get around to it sooner or later.  I've 
tried building from source, but the configure phase bombs out because build 
depends on python3 version >3.5 and I have version 3.4.  I am NOT going to 
upgrade python and break loads of other stuff!!!

Curiously, the NR for version 2.16.1 does, like the NR for the most recent 
version, include the  \bar ":.|"  way of doing things.

Sent from Outlook<>

From: lilypond-user <> on 
behalf of Andrew Bernard <>
Sent: 09 October 2020 13:21
To: lilypond-user Mailinglist <>
Subject: Re: Repeat signs not working for me

Any problems - ask the list. There are no stupid questions. If you
can, always provide a Minimal Working Example (MWE) which you in fact

Once more, welcome to our wonderful community. Lilypond can me made to
do anything (except some of the things in my New Complexity scores


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