On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 5:36 PM Paolo Prete <paolopr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Kieren and all,
> I elaborated this solution, meanwhile, which works well but needs to be
> improved in the scheme part.
> Then I firstly ask to all the gurus how could I arrange the \sustainOnII
> and \sostenutoOnII functions so to work *after* a note, as \sustainOn and
> \sostenutoOn do work
> (note that I need to change the outside-staff-priority of the pedals line
> spanners "on the fly", as a tweak after the note, and not as an \override
> before it, as shown in the snippet below)
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.84"
> #(define pedalGapCtr 0)
> #(define pedalGap 4)
> pedWithGapBase = #(define-music-function (parser location type mus)
> (string? ly:music?)
> #{
>   #(set! pedalGapCtr (+ pedalGapCtr 1))
>   #(if (string=? type "Sustain") #{
>     \once \override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner.outside-staff-priority =
> #(* pedalGapCtr 10005)
>   #})
>   #(if (string=? type "Sostenuto") #{
>     \once \override Staff.SostenutoPedalLineSpanner.outside-staff-priority
> = #(* pedalGapCtr 10005)
>   #})
>   #mus
>   #(if (eq? pedalGapCtr 2) #{
>     \tweak color #green
>     \tweak outside-staff-priority #(* pedalGapCtr 10000) _\markup {
> \draw-line #(cons 0 pedalGap) }
>   #})
>   #(if (string=? type "Sustain") #{ \sustainOn #})
>   #(if (string=? type "Sostenuto") #{ \sostenutoOn #})
>   #(if (eq? pedalGapCtr 2) (set! pedalGapCtr 0))
> #})
> sustainOnII = #(define-music-function (parser location mus) (ly:music?) #{
> \pedWithGapBase "Sustain" #mus #})
> sostenutoOnII = #(define-music-function (parser location mus) (ly:music?)
> #{ \pedWithGapBase "Sostenuto" #mus  #})
> {
>   \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
>   \sustainOnII c'4 \sostenutoOnII c' c' c'\sustainOff\sostenutoOff
>   r1
>   \sostenutoOnII c'4 \sustainOnII c' c' c'\sustainOff\sostenutoOff
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Best,

After looking at this snippet:


I begin to suspect there's not a solution for the problem I just
highlighted: in fact in that snippet too the "new" pedal ( \sustainHalfOn )
has to be placed *before* a note, while the standard one (\sustainOn) has
to be placed after.
It would be *really* great if someone finds a solution for this, because
otherwise overriding pedals:

1) lead to inconsistencies in the code style (as the snippet above shows)


2) lead to verbose code (if we use something like \setHalfPedal
c'\sustainOn )

Also, please note that a fixed gap between pedals is very important in
music engraving...
Please give me feedback!


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