Hi Paolo,
How about:

\score {
    \new Staff {
      c'4 c' c' c'
      r1 \break
      c'4 c' c' c'
    \new Dynamics
    \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing.padding =
#3 } {
      s4\sostenutoOn s s s\sostenutoOff
      s1 \break
      s4\sustainOn s s s\sustainOff
    \new Dynamics {
      s4\sustainOn s s s\sustainOff
      s1 \break
      s4 s s\sostenutoOn s\sostenutoOff
  \layout {
    \context {
      pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed


Le dim. 14 juin 2020 à 03:32, Paolo Prete <paolopr...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hello,
> Is there a way to set a *minimum* vertical gap between two simultaneous
> pedals (Sostenuto and Sustain)? It has to work regardless of the vertical
> order of the pedals (sustain above sostenuto or viceversa) and we can
> assume that:
> 1) no other grob is placed between them.
> 2) no other grob is below the inferior pedal
> (I would like to avoid to tweak the outside-staff-padding  property on the
> inferior pedal each time it appears...)
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> {
> \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
> c'4\sustainOn\sostenutoOn c' c' c'\sustainOff\sostenutoOff
> r1 \break
> c'4\sustainOn c' c'\sostenutoOn c'\sostenutoOff\sustainOff
> r1 \break
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Thanks very much for your help!
> P

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