On 6/7/20, Rutger Hofman <rut...@cs.vu.nl> wrote: > My first attempt is here: > https://www.rutgerhofman.nl/lilypond/divisi-doc/divisi-doc.html
Very nice! I have a few minor remarks: - The writing style differs a bit from our recommended style, see CG 5.5.3 and 5.5.4 http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.21/Documentation/contributor/documentation-policy - If we’re to make that a part of the NR (as I’m wishing for), cross-references, index entries etc. will have to be added; @lilypondfile examples will need to be directly embedded as @lilypond blocks, etc. - Some trimming or summing-up will certainly be needed; besides, the keepAliveInterfaces example I recently added could be merged with your quoteDuring example etc. - I think your PMP macros could (and should) be integrated upstream, by making them as general and universally-applicable as possible. In which case you’ll need to think of more suitable names, doc strings etc. But that does look promising indeed! Cheers, -- V.