I can't help thinking that this has probably been suggested before, but in
case it hasn't I've set out my thoughts here. In the past I've used
Sibelius and I like the way that it applies sharps and flats from the key
signature automatically. This really doesn't seem to conform to the way
Lilypond does things, but my suggested change, I think, should do much the
same. I habitually use English as the Lilypond \language, so please bear
with me.

If I'm writing music in F, then I suggest that I be able to use *bF*  as a
pitch instead of *bf*. The *F* would indicate that all subsequent *b*s
would be flattened until one is encountered with a different accidental or
until the end of the current music expression. It should have the same
scope as \stemUp or similar.

As I see it, the changes in the parser would be small: we would need to
introduce an explicit 'natural' indication and to recognize capitalized
accidentals. (In the case of accidentals with more than one letter, then I
leave it to the implementors to decide whether all need to be capitalized
or just one.)

You will notice that although the key signature will be the most probable
reason for using this idea, I'm simply suggesting an  extension to the way
of expressing which pitches I want in a way which is independent of key
signature and in keeping with the way Lilypond does this (at least the way
I use it 🙂 ) It also means that all current scores continue to work
without modifications.

Paul McKay

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