Brilliant!  That's got it in one easy step.  Thank you!

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 9:45 AM <> wrote:

> Sol,
> Put this in your lilypond file, before the music:
> #(define-bar-line ".|:-|." "|." ".|:" ".|")
> And you can use ".|:-|."
> Jaap de Wolff
> *Van:* lilypond-user <>
> *Namens *Solomon Foster
> *Verzonden:* Wednesday, May 13, 2020 3:28 PM
> *Aan:* Lily-Pond List <>
> *Onderwerp:* Ending one section with closing double bar line, starting
> next with begin repeat
> Hi all,
> The person I'm typesetting for wants to end the first section of a tune
> with a closing double bar line (ie "|.") and begin the next section (on the
> next line) with a begin repeat (".|:").  Basically the goal would be
> exactly the same functionality as ".|:-||" except with "|." instead of "||".
> (Actually I shouldn't say exactly the same -- part of the goal would be to
> get the 2nd ending marking to terminate down at the closing double bar,
> which it doesn't seem to do with the "||" barline.)
> At any rate, I cannot figure out how to do this.  I've tried adding the
> "|." at the end of the first part and the ".|:" at the beginning of next,
> but it seems like the second barline marking overrides the first, leaving
> the line ending mark just a normal single barline no matter what I've asked
> for explicitly.
> I've prepared a shortish example, but it's still sort of long so instead
> of including it here I've made a gist:
> (This
> version includes ".|:-||" where I'd hope to have "".|:-|.".)
> Any ideas to help me?
> Thanks,
> Sol
> --
> Solomon Foster:
> HarmonyWare, Inc:

Solomon Foster:
HarmonyWare, Inc:

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