Hi Fricadelle,

> time signatures are not important. But I would like to have the triads from
> the two exercises "aligned" (because they share the same fingering, and it
> is better visually). first <e\4-2 g-0 c-1>1 from C major staff and <fis a
> d>1 from D major staff are aligned, then the second pair of triads etc.

I think the only way to do this is to put them in the same \score,
synchronised. I think LilyPond will even make an effort *not* to line
things (e.g. barlines) up unless they are part of the same system to
avoid visually misleading a reader into something like skipping a

Here's what I mean by putting them in the same \score. I hope this

\score {
    \omit Score.SystemStartBar
    \new Staff
    \relative c' {

      \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
      \time 15/1
        \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
        \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
        <e\4-2 g-0 c-1>1 <f-3 a-2 d-4>1 <g b e>1 <a\3-2 c-1 f-1>1 *1 <c-2 e-4 
        <d-2 f-1 b-3>1
        <e-2 g-1 c-1>1 <d f b>1 <c e a>1 *1  1 <g b e\4>1 <f a d>1 <e g c>1


    \new Staff

    \relative d' {
      \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
      \time 15/1
      \key d \major
      \relative d'
        <fis a d>1 <g b e>1  1 *1 <cis e a>1 <d fis b>1 <e g cis>1
        <fis a d>1 <e g cis>1 <d fis b>1 <cis e a>1 *1  1 <g b e>1 <fis a d>1



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