Oops, I forgot the relative mode... Here you go:

\version "2.20.0"

\paper {
  ragged-last = ##f

\layout {
  system-count = 1
  \context {
    \omit SystemStartBar
  \context {
    \clef "G_8"
    \omit TimeSignature
    \omit BarLine
  \context {
    stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
    fingeringOrientations = #'(left)

  \new Staff \relative {
    <e\4-2 g-0 c-1>1 <f-3 a-2 d-4> <g b e> <a\3-2 c-1 f-1> q <c-2 e-4 a-3>
    <d-2 f-1 b-3> <e-2 g-1 c-1> <d f b> <c e a> q q <g b e\4> <f a d> <e g
  \new Staff \relative {
    \key d \major
    <fis a d>1 <g b e> q q <cis e a> <d fis b> <e g cis>
    <fis a d> <e g cis> <d fis b> <cis e a> q  q <g b e> <fis a d>


Le mar. 12 mai 2020 à 09:57, Pierre Perol-Schneider <
pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Or even:
> \version "2.20.0"
> \paper {
>   ragged-last = ##f
> }
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     \omit SystemStartBar
>   }
>   \context {
>     \Staff
>     \clef "G_8"
>     \omit TimeSignature
>     \omit BarLine
>   }
>   \context {
>     \Voice
>     stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
>     fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
>   }
> }
> <<
>   \new Staff {
>     <e\4-2 g-0 c-1>1 <f-3 a-2 d-4> <g b e> <a\3-2 c-1 f-1> q <c-2 e-4 a-3>
>     <d-2 f-1 b-3> <e-2 g-1 c-1> <d f b> <c e a> q q <g b e\4> <f a d> <e g
> c>
>   }
>   \new Staff {
>     \key d \major
>     <fis a d>1 <g b e> q q <cis e a> <d fis b> <e g cis>
>     <fis a d> <e g cis> <d fis b> <cis e a> q  q <g b e> <fis a d>
>   }
> >>
> Le mar. 12 mai 2020 à 09:54, Pierre Perol-Schneider <
> pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi fricadelle,
>> Here's how I'd do:
>> \version "2.20.0"
>> \paper {
>>   ragged-last = ##f
>> }
>> \layout {
>>   \context {
>>     \Score
>>     \omit SystemStartBar
>>   }
>>   \context {
>>     \Staff
>>     \omit TimeSignature
>>     \omit BarLine
>>   }
>> }
>> <<
>>   \new Staff {
>>     \clef "G_8"
>>     \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
>>     \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
>>     <e\4-2 g-0 c-1>1 <f-3 a-2 d-4> <g b e> <a\3-2 c-1 f-1> q <c-2 e-4 a-3>
>>     <d-2 f-1 b-3> <e-2 g-1 c-1> <d f b> <c e a> q q <g b e\4> <f a d> <e
>> g c>
>>   }
>>   \new Staff {
>>     \clef "G_8"
>>     \key d \major
>>     <fis a d>1 <g b e> q q <cis e a> <d fis b> <e g cis>
>>     <fis a d> <e g cis> <d fis b> <cis e a> q  q <g b e> <fis a d>
>>   }
>> >>
>> Cheers,
>> Pierre
>> PS. 1. Which version are you using? 'Looks pretty old... 2. I don't
>> understand the notation: "*1"; what are there for?
>> Le mar. 12 mai 2020 à 09:11, fricadelle <plaetev...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> Hello
>>> I am trying to set up a simple triad exercise on the guitar. It has the
>>> same
>>> exercise in two different keys:
>>> \new Staff
>>> \relative c' {
>>>  \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
>>>  \time 15/1
>>> {
>>>    \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
>>>    \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
>>> <e\4-2 g-0 c-1>1 <f-3 a-2 d-4>1 <g b e>1 <a\3-2 c-1 f-1>1 *1 <c-2 e-4
>>> a-3>1
>>> <d-2 f-1 b-3>1
>>> <e-2 g-1 c-1>1 <d f b>1 <c e a>1 *1  1 <g b e\4>1 <f a d>1 <e g c>1
>>> }
>>> }
>>> \new Staff
>>> \relative d' {
>>>   \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
>>>  \time 15/1
>>>  \key d \major
>>> \relative d'
>>> {
>>> <fis a d>1 <g b e>1  1 *1 <cis e a>1 <d fis b>1 <e g cis>1
>>> <fis a d>1 <e g cis>1 <d fis b>1 <cis e a>1 *1  1 <g b e>1 <fis a d>1
>>> }
>>> }
>>> time signatures are not important. But I would like to have the triads
>>> from
>>> the two exercises "aligned" (because they share the same fingering, and
>>> it
>>> is better visually). first <e\4-2 g-0 c-1>1 from C major staff and <fis a
>>> d>1 from D major staff are aligned, then the second pair of triads etc.
>>> Anybody knows how I would do that? Maybe offsetting the first triad in
>>> the C
>>> major staff (but how?). There will be eventually other staves with more
>>> sharps and it would be nice to have them all aligned.
>>> thanks
>>> --
>>> Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html

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