> On 25 Apr, 2020, at 2:02 PM, David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote: > > So you need a NullLyric which contains your "controlling" lyrics, but > which is not printed (and occupies no space).
My attempt to create such a context is attached. Unfortunately, the “occupies no space” thing still has me scratching my head. > This lyric would have > very long "words" whose syllables are all hyphenated together unless > every real lyric line has a word break at that point. It could be > hand-crafted in the first instance or, with more ingenuity, > automatically constructed from the other lyrics. Good luck. My lyrics are all entered in variables which look like: x = \lyricmode { some wordy -- words } Using \displayMusic, I see these are make-music expressions with an elements list inside them containing 1 element per syllable. If a hyphen follows a syllable, then the corresponding element of the list has a HyphenEvent in its articulations property. So an algorithm for combining lyrics (lyrics_one and lyrics_two) would look like this: 1) Find the longer of lyrics_one and lyrics_two (referred to hereafter as lyrics_max, the other is lyrics_min) 2) loop over syllables (the elements list) in lyrics_max 2a) if concurrent syllable (element at same index) exists in lyrics_min (or more specifically the elements list in lyrics_min) true) continue false) break out of loop 2b) if current syllable of lyrics_max does has a HyphenEvent in its list of articulations true) continue false) if the concurrent syllable of other lyrics has a HyphenEvent in its list of articulations true) add a HyphenEvent to list of articulations in current syllable of lyrics_max false) continue 3) return lyrics_max Does that sound like a reasonable algorithm for implementation in scheme? ✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝ Fr. Samuel, OSB (R. Padraic Springuel) St. Anselm’s Abbey 4501 South Dakota Ave, NE Washington, DC, 20017 202-269-2300 (c) 202-853-7036 PAX ☧ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ
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