On Sat 25 Apr 2020 at 11:59:00 (-0400), Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
> > On 25 Apr, 2020, at 11:44 AM, Fr. Samuel Springuel <rpspring...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> >> On 23 Apr, 2020, at 4:23 PM, Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:
> >> 
> >> Ooh, I didn't think of that.  Since \bar just sets the whichBar property, 
> >> it is a case of whichever \bar command is last that wins.  So the code 
> >> just needs to have a variation that checks whether whichBar is already set 
> >> and only change it if unset:
> > 
> > This works nicely.  Thanks for making the change.
> Whoops.  May have spoken too soon as I found another complication.  When 
> there are multiple verses (each of which has this engraver attached) then a 
> word boundary in any of the verses inserts the bar (and allows line 
> breaking), possibly splitting multi-syllable words in other verses.  I can 
> live with it (possibly by setting one lyrics as the “controlling” context and 
> leaving the engraver out of the others), but  is there a way to make things 
> so that the various Lyrics contexts talk to each other and only insert the 
> bar if there’s a word boundary in all contexts?
> In the following example, the fourth, fifth, and sixth lines have the 
> multi-syllable word in the second lyrics split.

So you need a NullLyric which contains your "controlling" lyrics, but
which is not printed (and occupies no space). This lyric would have
very long "words" whose syllables are all hyphenated together unless
every real lyric line has a word break at that point. It could be
hand-crafted in the first instance or, with more ingenuity,
automatically constructed from the other lyrics. Good luck.


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