Zone Dremik <> writes:

>  Thank you David, Marnen, David and Carl for your excellent suggestions and 
> helpful examples. (I will definitely be using more variables in the future.)
> For the issue, your recommendations inspired me to try using BBE. 
> The multi-file search & replace function worked very well (this was with the 
> free version of BBE, so I was very impressed).
> Further note:
> I ran a few more of the older files through and found that it is 
> finding & updating other instances of obsolete syntax, beyond the two that 
> are missing.
> Here is a code sample, before & after, for a successful
> \version "2.12.2"
> \include ""
>  \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
> \version "2.20.0"
> \include ""
>  \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
> (A side note: By mistake, I ran the compile before and was 
> surprised that the Lilypond 2.20 didn't reject the obsolete syntax. I 
> definitely don't have any other versions installed on this machine.)

Yes, overrides and reverts are properly converted.  It's the naked
assignments that seemed too indistinctive to warrant a generic rule for
the conversion (there was one used for one-shot conversion of LilyPond's
own documentation where one can keep the effects in check).

I have it on my to-do list to do something here for the sake of 2.20.1,
but I'm currently laboring on getting 2.21.0 out first: that's also

David Kastrup

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