Am Dienstag, den 17.03.2020, 16:25 -0500 schrieb David Wright:
> On Tue 17 Mar 2020 at 13:56:20 (-0700), Sami Amiris wrote:
> > Well, that was a true surprise there. Yes, the ps file is fine. Its
> > conversion to pdf seems to be the problem. Plus, it is all with the
> > bravura
> > font as I had written.
> That's good news for LilyPond itself.
> > Thank you for the tip. Never expected it tbh...
> > 
> > Still, what do we do now? Apart from reporting it to the Git hub
> > that is?
> Apart from reporting, it might be worth trying to use exterior tools
> to convert the PS to PDF. The system versions might use a
> self-consistent set of binaries and support files, even if all
> they're
> doing is using ghostscript at some level. You even have a choice of
> linux and windows platforms to try on. Tedious, but it might get you
> up and running.

But better would be to get the LilyPond invocation right.
The wrapper script created by the LilyPond installer (download version)
includes (depending on the install location)

  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/<user>/lilypond/usr/lib"

And it should be possible to get lyp to use something in the LilyPond
invocation too.


> Cheers,
> David.

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