On Tue 17 Mar 2020 at 13:56:20 (-0700), Sami Amiris wrote:
> Well, that was a true surprise there. Yes, the ps file is fine. Its
> conversion to pdf seems to be the problem. Plus, it is all with the bravura
> font as I had written.

That's good news for LilyPond itself.

> Thank you for the tip. Never expected it tbh...
> Still, what do we do now? Apart from reporting it to the Git hub that is?

Apart from reporting, it might be worth trying to use exterior tools
to convert the PS to PDF. The system versions might use a
self-consistent set of binaries and support files, even if all they're
doing is using ghostscript at some level. You even have a choice of
linux and windows platforms to try on. Tedious, but it might get you
up and running.


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