> In order to avoid this problem of sequence, I've first removed
> Script_column_engraver and appended it again /after/
> New_fingering_engraver.  Looks funny but actually solves the
> problem.
> [...]
>   \remove "Script_column_engraver"
>   \consists "New_fingering_engraver" % *before* Script_column_engraver!
>   \consists "Script_column_engraver"

Interesting.  Is it documented somewhere that the order of `\consists`
calls is relevant (sometimes)?  Or rather, is there an example in the
documentation or the regression test suite that demonstrates the
importance of the right order?

Or maybe there is a bug somewhere?  I think not having to think about
the order would be quite beneficial.  I think I would prefer setting a
property or the like to get the desired result.


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