On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 7:22 PM Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> wrote:

> My testing found that \offset didn’t work with outside-staff-padding for
> OttavaBracket grobs.

That's great, because with this method the user is not forced to use a
ruler. Then, the best one. I just tested it and now we can say that, in
order to shift vertically a bracket, the user should follow this rule:

1) \override + outside-staff-padding increased of 0.46   (if you want to
preserve the automatic collision avoidance)


2) extra-offset (as a final tuning, if you don't need automatic collision


3)  \override X/Y-offset with a ruler with staff-space units and a starting
set on the middle of the staff (if you need automatic collision avoidance)

> It is **very** unlikely that you will find a single approach that will
> work with **every** grob.  You may be able to find approaches that will
> work with classes of grobs.  You may need to have individual approaches
> that apply to specific grobs.

Yeah, no surprise for me. But I asked. You never know...

> It appears that much or your dissatisfaction is because you thought you
> had found a trivial solution (i.e. use \offset Y-offset) only to find that
> it doesn’t work.

You are wrong. Not only I'm not dissatisfied: I'm seeing that all these
work even better  than I could imagine some days ago. Really great and
powerful. What made me upset is that there's not a clear blacklist of the
unpredictable properties for a given grob. Nor this is documented or
warned. Then I think we all had headache in discovering the right ones for
the Bracket. Please don't misunderstand these words: it's not a criticism
at all for Lilypond. I work every day with open source projects, and this
kind of issues are absolutely normal for them. We are all volunteers. The
more the project is complex, the more you find issues or undocumented
If you felt that I wanted to blame a behavior of Lilypond, please delete
this idea.


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