I was looking at the page:


and am unclear as to what I should do.  How can
http://cygwin.com/setup.exe know about lilypond?

I already use cygwin, in fact I have two cygwin
trees, one on c: and another on d: (and I have no
clue which I am really using.)  Do I still install
by downloading cygwin.exe?  By just running one of
the setup.exe's I already have?  Or with cygwin
already installed, is there some other method I
should use to install lilypond?

Also, does lilypond uninstall easily (like by rm
-rf myLilypondDirectory) or do I have to fiddle
with the Windows registry?  Or is there a good
uninstall facility?  I am concerned about this
because my disk drives are getting full and
windows install/uninstall has never seemed very
robust to me.

Finally, perhaps I am barking up the wrong tree.
I have been using the "scot" (SCOre Translator)
program to create .sco files (notelists) for
CSound.  Unfortunately, I am a Bach fan, and while
I can deal with alto clef as well as treble and
bass, I have an enormous error rate trying to read
the others.  So I thought if I translate the scot
notation into lilypond notation, I could print out
a score of what I thought I entered, in order to
proofread it.  (I am not a good enough musician
to"proofhear" it, especially with weird clefs.)

Since Lilypond appears to be a tool to print music
beautifully, and since I don't need beauty, just
weird clefs, do you know of some more lightweight
package I should be using?  Or does lilypond itself
perform reasonably well (under windows) once I
configure stuff properly?

(I think Lilypond notation is pretty reasonable,
and basing it on Scheme appeals to me since I
fiddle with emacs lisp.  From what else I've seen
on the net, I think it would be nice if lilypond
notation became a de facto standard, since what is
out there now seems pretty confusing.)

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