Hi Dave, list,

> I was looking at the page:
> http://lilypond.org/web/download/windows.html
> and am unclear as to what I should do.  How can
> http://cygwin.com/setup.exe know about lilypond?
Cygwin consists of several packages. One of these pacakges
is Lilypond.

Lilypond gets built by a Cygwin developer (or, in this case, more
of a 'maintainer'), and uploaded to a central server. From there,
it is distributed to servers around the world, and you can download
it from there.

> I already use cygwin, in fact I have two cygwin
> trees, one on c: and another on d: (and I have no
> clue which I am really using.)  Do I still install
> by downloading cygwin.exe?  By just running one of
> the setup.exe's I already have?  Or with cygwin
> already installed, is there some other method I
> should use to install lilypond?
You can re-run the 'setup.exe' you already have, go to the 'Publishing'
section, and put a check next to 'Lilypond'.

Cygwin will update your already installed packages, and also
install Lilypond (plus the packages that Lilypond needs to work).

> Also, does lilypond uninstall easily (like by rm
> -rf myLilypondDirectory) or do I have to fiddle
> with the Windows registry?  Or is there a good
> uninstall facility?  I am concerned about this
> because my disk drives are getting full and
> windows install/uninstall has never seemed very
> robust to me.
I'm not sure about this... Cygwin puts all 'executables' in
/usr/bin. Perhaps re-running setup, and clearing the
checkmark next to Lilypond would work, but I think you'd
better ask the Cygwin mailing list about this.

I'll let others comment on your other points, since I'm
way out of my teritory is I do :-)

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the mailing list for archival purposes.

Christ van Willegen

lilypond-user mailing list

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