You can just use ^ to put the fingering above or _ to put it below. If the
voice will always be the lower voice (as in your left-hand piano example)
this works well. BUT it doesn't allow you to choose the orientation (top or
bottom) after inputting the notes. Note that using - (as in your example)
allows LilyPond to put the fingering wherever it likes.

a,_3 e_1 a, e | % 2

Hope this helps,

Hello folks,
> In the attached score, I’ve had to create artificial one-note chords such
> as <a,-3> for the down fingering orientation to be taken into account:
>   \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
>   <a,-3>4 <e-1> a, e | % 2
> I didn’t find other ways to achieve this result in the docs.
> Would it be reasonable and feasible to apply such fingering orientation at
> the voice level?
> Thanks for your help!
> JM

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