On 10/28/2019 8:41 PM, Reggie wrote:
Thomas Morley-2 wrote
Am Mo., 28. Okt. 2019 um 11:22 Uhr schrieb Reggie <
Hello list. I am struggling with this. Please don't laugh I just feel
crying I cannot see what is right in front of me I must be. I am
to learn more deeper in lilypond and try a cadenza sort of passage. I see
two problems I am bad at. One, how do I get the trills to be side by
alongside? Two, I can't understand how to make piano empty system end at
same location vertical as the trill staff? What is the secret I feel so
stupid. Thank you for your kind help. Is there any details about working
with free music cadenza pieces? I've read the documentation section on
cadenza mode but not in practice I'm struggling.

\version "2.19.83"
   \time 4/4

   \new Staff {
     \hide Score.TimeSignature
     r8 a'4\startTrillSpan^\markup {"senza tempo -" \italic "quasi
b'\startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan a'\startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan


     e'''\stopTrillSpan f'''\startTrillSpan
     \bar "" \break

     \time 4/4 c''' c''' c''' c'''

   \new PianoStaff {
       \new Staff  { \clef treble s1*2   }
       \new Staff  { \clef bass  s1*2  }

\paper {
   ragged-right = ##f


Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html

The space at first line-end is because you provide a new
4/4-TimeSignature. Mere hiding it will not affect the space reserved
for it.
Better do:
     \override Score.TimeSignature.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t)

The trills I'd shorten a bit, maybe set staff-padding in an additional

Makes for:

\paper { ragged-right = ##f }

   %\time 4/4

   \new Staff {
     \hide Score.TimeSignature
     \override TrillSpanner.bound-details.right.padding = 1.5
     \override TrillSpanner.staff-padding = 2.5
     a'4 \startTrillSpan^\markup {"senza tempo -" \italic "quasi cadenza"}
     b'  \startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan
     a'  \startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan
     b'  \startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan
     \override TrillSpanner.staff-padding = 6
     \bar ""
     \revert TrillSpanner.staff-padding
     \revert TrillSpanner.bound-details.right.padding
     \override Score.TimeSignature.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t)
     \time 4/4
     c''' c''' c''' c'''

   \new PianoStaff {
       \new Staff  { \clef treble  s8 s4*8 \bar ""   }
       \new Staff  { \clef bass    s8 s4*8 \bar ""   }

Hi Thomas thank you for fixing it for me I see the override now but never
would have discovered that I feel lost :[ Is there a set group of commands
you should suggest for using a piece that was entirely all no time signature
no barlines and most important you want tight space between all notes as
though it's not allowing the space for barlines and more.

I can hide barlines and meter but the spacing over pages still looks as
though it's taking into account barlines. I am hiding correctly not just
hiding. Can you make a full piece of music that is total free with tight

Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html

I think I understand what you're asking, perhaps this will help. It's my go-to template starting point when I'm considering a piece that is in free time without barlines. This is just how I do it. I'm sure there are other approaches.

\version "2.19.83"

% for line break possibilities everywhere use
% barAlways and empty bar lines:
\new Score \with {
  barAlways = ##t
  defaultBarType = ""
  \omit BarNumber
  \omit TimeSignature
} {
  \repeat unfold 120 { c' }
% for only manual break possibilities use
% \cadenzaOn and manual empty bars:
\new Score \with {
  \omit TimeSignature
} {
  \repeat unfold 20 { c' } b\bar""
  \repeat unfold 20 { c' } b\bar"" b b b b\bar"" b b\bar""
  \repeat unfold 10 { c' } \bar""
  \repeat unfold 20 { c' } b\bar""
  \repeat unfold 20 { c' }
  % etc.



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