Am Mo., 28. Okt. 2019 um 11:22 Uhr schrieb Reggie <>: > > Hello list. I am struggling with this. Please don't laugh I just feel like > crying I cannot see what is right in front of me I must be. I am attempting > to learn more deeper in lilypond and try a cadenza sort of passage. I see > two problems I am bad at. One, how do I get the trills to be side by > alongside? Two, I can't understand how to make piano empty system end at the > same location vertical as the trill staff? What is the secret I feel so > stupid. Thank you for your kind help. Is there any details about working > with free music cadenza pieces? I've read the documentation section on > cadenza mode but not in practice I'm struggling. > > \version "2.19.83" > << > \time 4/4 > > \new Staff { > \cadenzaOn > \hide Score.TimeSignature > r8 a'4\startTrillSpan^\markup {"senza tempo -" \italic "quasi cadenza"} > b'\startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan a'\startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan > > b'\startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan > > > e'''\stopTrillSpan f'''\startTrillSpan e'''\startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan > f'''\stopTrillSpan > \bar "" \break > > \cadenzaOff > \time 4/4 c''' c''' c''' c''' > > } > \new PianoStaff { > << > \new Staff { \clef treble s1*2 } > \new Staff { \clef bass s1*2 } > >> > > } > >> > > \paper { > ragged-right = ##f > } > > Chou_Wen-chungg.jpg > <> > > > > -- > Sent from: >
The space at first line-end is because you provide a new 4/4-TimeSignature. Mere hiding it will not affect the space reserved for it. Better do: \override Score.TimeSignature.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t) The trills I'd shorten a bit, maybe set staff-padding in an additional override. Makes for: \paper { ragged-right = ##f } << %\time 4/4 \new Staff { \cadenzaOn \hide Score.TimeSignature r8 \override TrillSpanner.bound-details.right.padding = 1.5 \override TrillSpanner.staff-padding = 2.5 a'4 \startTrillSpan^\markup {"senza tempo -" \italic "quasi cadenza"} b' \startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan a' \startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan b' \startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan e'''\stopTrillSpan \override TrillSpanner.staff-padding = 6 f'''\startTrillSpan e'''\startTrillSpan\stopTrillSpan f'''\stopTrillSpan \bar "" \revert TrillSpanner.staff-padding \revert TrillSpanner.bound-details.right.padding \cadenzaOff \break \override Score.TimeSignature.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t) \time 4/4 c''' c''' c''' c''' } \new PianoStaff { << \new Staff { \clef treble s8 s4*8 \bar "" } \new Staff { \clef bass s8 s4*8 \bar "" } >> } >>