On 2019-10-19 3:58 am, foxfanfare wrote:
The idea I had was to do something like this:
Create a new file (for instance "links.ily"), which would contain:
\include "articulate.ly"
\include "configuration.ily"
\include "../../ily/liens.ily"
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/global/global" num "ily" ) "."
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/pedales/pedales" num "ily" )
"." )
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/dialogues/dialogues" num "ily"
) "."
\include #(string-join (list "../../ily/dnotes/piano-orgue/notes.primo"
"ily" ) "." )
\include #(string-join (list
num "ily" ) "." )
\include "../../ily/instrumentation.ily"
And then in the ily score, I would simply do something like:
num = "01"
\include "links.ily"
\score {
This would allow me to not write again for all the 35 pieces the same
I hope that makes now more sense!
Would using a function help?
%%%% main.ly
\version "2.19.83"
fetch = #(define-scheme-function (pet) (string?)
#{ \include #(string-join (list pet "ily") ".") #})
\fetch "kitten"
\fetch "puppy"
%%%% kitten.ily
\version "2.19.83"
\markup "I like kittens."
%%%% puppy.ily
\version "2.19.83"
\markup "I like puppies."
-- Aaron Hill
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