On 2019-09-09 6:16 am, sir.teddy.the.fi...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,

My score's title is set up in a variable called "title".

I'm trying to output a file for every instrument and thus would like to have
something like this

\version "2.19.83"
                \bookOutputName \title " - Clarinet"

for every instrument of my score.

But the code above outputs an error message, because it can't handle both a
variable and a plain string.

Is it possible to make this work somehow?

I would suggest using \bookOutputSuffix, but you can certainly use a little Scheme to concatenate the strings:

\version "2.19.83"

title = "Title"

\book {
  \bookOutputName \title
  \bookOutputSuffix "Suffix"
  { b'1 }

\book {
  \bookOutputName #(string-join (list title "Joined") "-")
  { b'1 }

-- Aaron Hill

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