> On Oct 17, 2019, at 5:29 PM, Chris Crossen <ch...@crossen.net> wrote:
>> Thanks, Carl - I haven’t upgraded to Catalina myself for exactly that reason 
>> (and Lilypond is my only significant 32-bit app!). I’ll see if I can work 
>> out how to use Hans’s version.
>> Allan
> I have Catalina installed on a Mac laptop. I downloaded the installer and am 
> running it now. I’ll report back when I have some results to share.

The install was successful. I didn’t know where it installed, but found it in 
/opt/lilypond .

It successfully generated a correct-looking pdf and midi (I’ll verify them 
tomorrow) from a single source file (no includes but english.ly). The file was 
already version 2.19. I’ll try using convert-ly and more complex files tomorrow.

Since this may not be of general interest, please give me some guidance on 
whether to continue posting to the group or confine it to those interested.

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