On 10/8/19 1:58 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Patrick,
I don't understand why the extender includes the d4 in the third measure.
Because you didn’t tell it to stop extending. ;)
I thought the single "__" initiated an extender that ended either at the
end of the current note, in the case of a sequence of tied notes (which
creates a single note), or at the end of the slur if a slur starts on
the current note. If that's true, then, since the initial c1 can't be
and isn't tied to the d4 and the initial c1 is not slurred to the d4, I
had in effect told it to stop extending. If I wanted the extender to
include the d4, I would (should) have written the extender as "__ _".
And for some reason that I can't find explained in the Notation RM,
LilyPond evidently assumed that that ("__ _") is what I had written.
Is there a way to shorten it to the tied c1 in the second measure?
How’s this?
\version "2.19.83"
music = \relative c' {
c1 ~ c1
d4 e f g }
words = \lyricmode { Tra __ la la la la }
\score { \new Staff \new Voice \music \addlyrics \words }
If you really want a gap [under the d], then use
\version "2.19.83"
music = \relative c' {
c1 ~ c1
d4 e f g }
words = \lyricmode { Tra __ \markup \null la la la }
\score { \new Staff \new Voice \music \addlyrics \words }
Hope that helps!
Yes, it helps a lot. Thanks.
Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info
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