first a couple of policy things: Please always keep communication
on-list (i.e. use Reply All) unless in exceptional circumstances you
really need to share private information. Also, tiny examples are very
useful, even necessary for communication on our lists; for bug reports
they have to be minimal, but also in every other circumstance it’s basic
courtesy to provide the volunteers (such as myself) trying to help you
with complete, compilable, but short examples. See
On 08.10.19 01:03, wmil...@aol.com wrote:
On 07.10.19 18:30, Bill via lilypond-user wrote:
> Very powerful function. Nice to know about.
> this worked for me. I found that rest durations are not the same as
> note durations so the following notes have to be specified.
I’m not sure what you mean by that. Durations will be carried over from
rests to notes, so { r8 ges } means exactly the same as { r8 ges8 } .
Well Simon now it compiles with or without the 8 after the next note
but before there was an error and putting it in made it compile??
It’s impossible to know what caused the error without seeing such a
complete, compilable example, but it can’t have been solely from the
‘missing’ duration.
> putting in the line
> \quoteDuring flute s1
> added another staff so I deleted it.
Where did you insert that \quoteDuring flute s1 ?
if I put in in at the top or before flute notes or before oboe it
creates a blank one measure 3rd staff,
after the '\addQuote "flute" { \fluteNotes }' i got a 3rd staff with
the notes in that quote..
I closed the file and reopened it and no matter where I put the
'\quoteDuring flute s1'
it changes nothing perhaps it is my computer I'm on Linux mint 18 and
The \quoteDuring goes exactly where you want to insert the quoted notes
in your music expression. Again, I refer you to this example:
Have another look at the _first_ example in
It does everything correctly.
If there’s any further question, please ask more specifically and with
an example of the code that you’re having problems with.
Best, Simon
lilypond-user mailing list