Hi Bill,

On 07.10.19 18:30, Bill via lilypond-user wrote:
Very powerful function.  Nice to know about.
this worked for me.  I found that rest durations are not the same as note durations so the following notes have to be specified.

I’m not sure what you mean by that. Durations will be carried over from rests to notes, so { r8 ges } means exactly the same as { r8 ges8 } .

putting in the line

\quoteDuring flute s1

added another staff so I deleted it.

Where did you insert that \quoteDuring flute s1 ?

Have another look at the _first_ example in http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/writing-parts#quoting-other-voices. It does everything correctly.

Best, Simon

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