Sorry. Very late answer Here is a scheme way to proceed. (see attached file).
%% For version 2.18 change the first line by : %% makeExercice = #(define-music-function (parser location p0 p1 p2 p3 highest-pitch lowest-pitch) makeExercice = #(define-music-function (p0 p1 p2 p3 highest-pitch lowest-pitch) (ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch?) "p0 : ton pitch. p1,p2,p3 : pitches of the first 3 notes of the chords The last 2 parameters : the pitch range" (let ((octave 1)) (let loop ((p1 p1) (p2 p2) (p3 p3) (l '())) (let ((p (ly:pitch-transpose p1 (ly:make-pitch octave 0 0)))) (if (= octave 1) ; go up (begin (if (not (ly:pitch<? p highest-pitch)) ; the top note ? (begin (set! octave -1) (loop p p3 p2 (cons p3 (cons p2 (cons p1 l))))) ; don't add p (loop p2 p3 p (cons p (cons p3 (cons p2 (cons p1 l))))))) (begin ; go down (if (ly:pitch<? p lowest-pitch) ; we stop when the lowest-ptch is reached (make-sequential-music (append (cons (make-music 'NoteEvent 'articulations (list (make-music 'TieEvent) ; add here your markup ) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2) ; c4 'pitch p0) (cons (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 4) ; c16 'pitch p0) (map (lambda(p)(make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 4) 'pitch p)) (reverse l)))) (list (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 2) ; c4 'pitch p0)))) (loop p2 p3 p (cons p (cons p3 (cons p2 (cons p1 l)))))))))))) \makeExercice c' e g c' e''' e \makeExercice a e a c' e''' e \makeExercice g' g b d' g''' g \makeExercice e' e g b e''' e artis = \relative c' { \key c \major \time 4/4 s4 \( \slurUp s16 (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \) \slurUp s16 \( (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \) \slurUp s \( (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \) \slurUp s \( (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \slurUp s (s-.) \slurDown s^. (s^.) \) s4 \bar "|." %\break } \new Voice << \artis \makeExercice c' e g c' e''' e >>
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