Hi John,

I suspect you'll have to write out your pattern in C major and then A minor 
first, and then transpose the pair all the way through the other keys.  Be 
aware that you should be able to use '\key c \major' for the C maj. and A min. 
Hope this helps,


----- Original Message -----
> From: "John McWilliam" <jsmcwill...@gmail.com>
> To: "Lillypond Users Mailing List" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2019 4:52:22 PM
> Subject: Transpose

> Hi,
> I am rewriting Baermanns repetitive exercises for clarinet and am trying to
> rationalise my code. For example broken chords: they start in C major then A
> minor followed by G major, E minor etc. To avoid rewriting the code every time
> I tried using ”\transpose c a \Cmajor” (the variable with the C major code).
> This gave me of coarse a change of key signature to A major – not what was
> wanted. Is there a way around this which will allow me to take the C major 
> code
> and transpose the notes down a third to A keeping everything in C (minor).
> John McWilliam
> Sent from [ https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986 | Mail ] for 
> Windows
> 10
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