On 8/14/2019 6:04 PM, Rachel Knight via lilypond-user wrote:
In a piece I am working on, the markups are colliding with crescendo
and decrescendo markings. I finished a different piece that had both
hairpins and markups where the markups were perfectly placed below the
crescendo. Any idea what is wrong with this score?
\version "2.19.81"
\language "english"
pedaldn = \markup \concat \vcenter \center-align {D \natural}
pedalan = \markup \concat \vcenter \center-align {A \natural}
pedaldf = \markup \concat \vcenter \center-align {D \flat}
pedalgf = \markup \concat \vcenter \center-align {G \flat}
up = {\change Staff = "treble"}
down = {\change Staff = "bass"}
Treble = { s2.*2}
Bass = \relative c {
\clef bass
\time 6/8
\down gf16\<-\pedalgf -\markup {C \natural} ef' gf \up bf ef ef \down
gf,, ef' bf' \up c ef ef |
\down f,,-\pedalan-\pedaldn c' a' \up c f a \down bf,,-\pedaldf f' bf
\up df f bf\! |
\score {
\new GrandStaff
\new Staff = treble { \Treble }
\new Staff = bass { \Bass }
Hi Rachel,
If you inspect the log, you'll see the following error/warning:
warning: Change_iterator::process (): Staff = `bass':
document.ly:12:9: warning: cannot change `Staff' to `bass': not changing
to same context type: Staff
down = {
\change Staff = "bass"}
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