Hi, In a piece I am working on, the markups are colliding with crescendo and decrescendo markings. I finished a different piece that had both hairpins and markups where the markups were perfectly placed below the crescendo. Any idea what is wrong with this score? Best, Rachel \version "2.19.81" \language "english" pedaldn = \markup \concat \vcenter \center-align {D \natural} pedalan = \markup \concat \vcenter \center-align {A \natural} pedaldf = \markup \concat \vcenter \center-align {D \flat} pedalgf = \markup \concat \vcenter \center-align {G \flat} up = {\change Staff = "treble"} down = {\change Staff = "bass"} Treble = { s2.*2} Bass = \relative c { \clef bass \time 6/8 \down gf16\<-\pedalgf -\markup {C \natural} ef' gf \up bf ef ef \down gf,, ef' bf' \up c ef ef | \down f,,-\pedalan-\pedaldn c' a' \up c f a \down bf,,-\pedaldf f' bf \up df f bf\! | } \score { { \new GrandStaff << \new Staff = treble { \Treble } \new Staff = bass { \Bass } >> } } |
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