I've been trying to totally get rid of the space where a lyric hyphen might
go, in cases where that space is already very small, but I have not been
able to figure it out.

I have noticed that if I add the lines

> \override LyricHyphen.minimum-length = #0

\override LyricHyphen.padding = #0

in the Lyrics context, then the spacing between the lyrics stays the same,
but it is more clear where the spaces are that I don't want because they
show as just little black dots.

Is there a way to get rid of these spaces instead of having them still
present as empty space?  I want the syllables to be as close to each other
as if they were a single syllable.


*Benjamin Bloomfield*

Here is (a shortened version of) my code:

\include "gregorian.ly"

  antiphonText = \lyricmode {
    Draw near, Lord, Ho -- ly Fa -- ther,
al -- might -- y and e -- ter -- nal God,
au -- thor of hu -- man dig -- ni -- ty and be -- stow -- er of all grac --
through whom all things pro -- gress,
through whom eve -- ry -- thing is made firm,
who, by the pow -- er of the Ho -- ly Spir -- it,
in or -- der to form a priest -- ly peo -- ple,
es -- tab -- lish a -- mong them min -- is -- ters of Christ your Son in
var -- i -- ous or -- ders.


  aSop = \transpose c c {
    \relative c' {
a'8 \bar"" c\breve*1/1024 \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c
\bar"" \divisioMinima
c\breve*1/1024 \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" b8 \bar"" a
\bar"" b \bar"" \divisioMaior
a8 \bar"" c\breve*1/1024 \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c
\bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" b8 \bar"" a \bar"" b
\bar"" b \bar"" \divisioMaior
a8 \bar"" c\breve*1/1024 \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar""
c\breve*1/1024 \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" b8 \bar"" a
\bar"" b \bar"" \divisioMaior
a8 \bar"" c\breve*1/1024 \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c \bar"" c
\bar"" b8 \bar"" a \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" \divisioMaior
b\breve*1/1024 \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" a8
\bar"" b \bar"" c \bar"" b \bar"" \divisioMinima \break
b\breve*1/1024 \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar""
b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" b \bar"" g8 \bar"" a
\bar"" b \bar"" a \bar"" a \bar"" \divisioMaxima

\score {
    \new Staff
      \clef "treble"
      \new Voice = "sop" { \voiceOne \aSop }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto sop \antiphonText
  \layout {
    \context { \Lyrics
      \override LyricText #'font-family = #'normal
      \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-distance = #0
%      \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-length = #0.3

     \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-length = #0
     \override LyricHyphen #'padding = #0
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